Saturday, July 30, 2011

Buzz Bee Ultimate Missile Blast(6)

Hay guys. Its plopper. I just went to Target today and i saw the missile blast. So i decided to pick it up and check it out. It comes with the gun itself and two glo-missiles that glow in the dark. The gun is just a re-shelling of the big blast, but with a smaller tank and pump. The box claims to go 30ft and it achieves that. To me thats bad. The gun was on clearance for $7.40 but usually cost about 8.00 dollars. It can connect to the snipe blast, rapid blast and another missile blast and the berserker. The gun has alot of modding potential. It feels comfortable, very well bilt, strong plastic. If you see this in stores, i would pick it up and mod it.
Modding potential: 7
Power: 6
Reliability: 6
Rank: 6

Thats all folks!



  1. Plopper, you're posting too much. Post every Tuesday like the team discussed, so you don't run out of content that quickly. Only post off schedule if it's urgent.

  2. shadow, i aint gonna be here on tuesday cuz im going fishing that day so i had to post on saturday. im gonna post the modded version of it cuz i modded it today is that all right with you?
